Improve your Sleep

The benefits of good sleep are undeniable, however, the ability to achieve a healthy sleep cycle and wake up feeling refreshed every day is certainly easier said than done. When we consider work schedules, personal activities, and other life commitments, dedicating time and effort toward improving your sleep each night can be difficult for most. Sleep is one of the most essential functions that we do as humans. Not only does it allow our body and our mind to recharge, sleep also assists our body and mind to stay healthy. Without enough sleep, the brain is simply unable to function as its best.

Benefits of a healthy sleep routine:

  • Improved concentration and productivity

  • Maximises athletic performance

  • Strengthens your heart and other vital organs

  • Enhances mental health

  • Supports a healthy immune system

  • Influences positive emotions and social interactions

If you would like to improve your sleep flow, there are some easily achievable alterations that can be slowly introduced into your everyday routine that may significantly improve the quality of your sleep, which in turn, will improve the quality of your life.

Reducing Blue Light Exposure at Night
One of the most significant impacts on sleep is exposure to blue light in the evening, such as through our mobile phones, computers, and televisions. Blue light affects our circadian rhythm, which essentially tricks our body into thinking its still daytime and decreases our production of melatonin- a hormone that plays a significant role in sleep and relaxation. The use of blue light glasses or settings on our smart devices that block blue light can help decrease the impact on our sleep, however, the most beneficial way to preserve your melatonin is to avoid screens at least two hours before going to sleep.

Don’t Eat Before Bed
Eating late at night is another way our melatonin can decrease. Particularly for those of us with late work schedules and/or busy personal lives, coming home and consuming a large meal right before bed can lead us straight into a trap of poor sleep and troubled digestion. Instead, light meals or snacks a few hours before sleep is considered a less disruptive alternative.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine has numerous benefits and is perhaps most popular for its energising benefits when we all need a little extra help focusing or performing throughout the day. It’s no surprise then, that consuming caffeine late at night continues to stimulate our nervous system in the same way, stopping our body’s natural ability to relax. With it’s potential to remain prominent in the body for 6-8 hours, it’s recommended that our last sip of coffee is done by the late afternoon.

Similarly, alcohol has significant negative impacts on sleep, known to enhance symptoms of sleep apnea, snoring and other disruptive sleep patterns. For those with busy social lives and commitments, particularly over the weekend, this may be considered difficult to avoid. However, when possible, avoiding the unnecessary consumption of alcohol late at night will allow your relaxation hormones to function regularly. Swap an afternoon coffee or evening beverage for herbal tea!

Meditative Activities
Clearing your mind in the evening is potentially one of the most important keys to triggering relaxation and getting the body prepared for sleep. The ability to organise your mind through journalling not only clears any lingering thoughts and worries from the day, but it’s an excellent form of meditation that allows us to process our emotions in a healthy way. Other relaxation techniques to improve sleep quality and aid certain disorders, like insomnia, include reading a book, taking a warm shower or bath, and practicing deep breathing.

Enhance Your Environment
It’s considered that the environment you sleep in has a very significant influence on getting a good night’s sleep. It makes sense that we would most typically relate a bad night of rest with being uncomfortable in our environment. Factors such as temperature, noise, lighting, and even furniture arrangements can affect our ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and achieve proper sleep. Getting the best out of our bedroom environment may include getting rid of pesky lights hiding in alarm clocks and chargers, ensuring our bed sheets are clean, using good curtains to block out light, and sleeping with a fan and/or heater if necessary.

Blue Rosa products we think you might appreciate for a delightful sleep

Dream Mist

A calming mist that promotes relaxation, soothes the senses, reduces feeling of anxiety and promotes deeper, more tranquil sleep.

Nighttime routine - Herbal Tea

Drift away to your happy place. A combination of relaxing, calming, and soothing herbs that each allow for a tranquil state before bed.

Magnesium Powder

The Rested is an evening blend of rest-enhancing vitamins and minerals, such as Magnesium, Lemon Balm and BCAAs. Mixed with water, it makes an all natural, rest and recovery nightcap that will leave you feeling recharged, revived and rested. 

Slip Silk Pillow Case

Anti Aging. Anti sleep crease. Anti bed head. 

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