Low Tox Living

The concept of detoxification involves cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out, to protect us from disease and enhance our ability to foster optimum health. We encounter harmful toxins every day, whether it be from pollutants in our environment, synthetic chemicals in certain products we are using, alcohol consumption, processed foods, and so on. Internal physiological processes within our body, often triggered by stress, can also lead to the formation of certain toxins. The body has a built in system to assist with removing toxins from the blood stream that involves our vital organs, such as the liver, kidney, digestive system, skin and lungs. However, our organs only perform at their best when we are actively engaging in activities and consuming products that enhance healthy functioning.

Whilst there are toxins in our environment that we will encounter inevitably, if we take a closer look at our day-to-day routines there is bound to be areas where we can make conscious change and therefore effect the overall health of our body and mind.

One of the easiest ways to approach low-toxic living is to start at home. A lot of the toxins that have adverse effects on the way we function and feel come from the products we are using on a daily basis. Cleaning products, such as sprays and disinfectants, washing powders, and air fresheners, can all contribute to poor air quality in our homes and cause illness if we are not aware of the ingredients inside. Purchasing eco-friendly products can minimise the number of chemicals in your home, which ultimately enhances the health of your environment and yourself.

Switching to organic skincare products can also be extremely beneficial step in eliminating harmful toxins from your life. Whether we are purchasing big labelled brands or cost-effective dupes, majority of the time we are not closely inspecting the ingredients within. This can be detrimental to the health of your skin, triggering allergies, inflammation and so on. Opting for natural, plant-based products are a great way to be sure that the skincare we are using is safe for us in the long term. Being the largest organ that your body has, the skin needs a lot of love and care- and natural ingredients are organically full of the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that will completely nourish you.

Potentially one of the most critical ways we can protect the overall health of our body is by being fully conscious about what we are choosing to eat and drink on a daily basis. Of course, we all have occasions where we may indulge in eating out or ordering in. It’s important to remember that life is about fostering balance in everything that we do, so that we can be the greatest versions of ourselves, mentally and physically. So, when we do have the option to be mindful about the foods we are eating, it’s important that we choose to nourish our body with clean, organic ingredients that will help feel and perform at our best.

When we choose to shop organically, we are assured that the foods we are eating are free of chemicals, pesticides and additives- all things which are commonly added to typical supermarket items in order to enhance taste or growth. Purchasing produce that remain in their purest form means that all the nutrients. fibre and antioxidants it grows with are untampered with and transferred straight to us when we eat it. Making a purposeful effort to eat clean means we can expect to see our organs function better, our immunity boost, our energy levels rise, and our cognitive function to increase.

Hot Therapy
Infrared saunas are a great way to cleanse the body from the inside out. As our body temperature rises, the body practices cooling itself down by evaporating sweat. In this way, we not only flush out bacteria through the skin, but also receive other benefits such as rejuvenating the skin, restoring the body from illness or injury, and releasing feel-good hormones, like endorphins, that make us feel good and promote higher immunity.

We are all born with the natural ability to inhale and exhale without thinking. However, it is often undervalued how much effect the breath can have on the state of our body when we make a conscious effort to observe it, sense it, and gain control of it. Breathwork is a learned skill that requires practice, but it allows one to truly connect with the flow of their body and ultimately unlock its remarkable power.

With every inhale, our lungs flood with oxygen and move blood, fluid, and toxins throughout our body. With every exhale, carbon dioxide and other toxins leave the body. It is no surprise that by harnessing the power of the breath, we are able to use it as a tool to detoxify ourselves and enhance the functioning of the mind and the body. If we are breathing better, we are functioning better, and ultimately, we are left feeling our very best.

The use of herbs for detoxification is an ancient practice that is used to cleanse the liver, enhance digestion, and promote good gut health. The best part about herbs is that they work with your natural bodily functions, as opposed to acting as an intervention or causing disturbance within. There are a different range of herbs that can be used to detoxify areas of your body, with each one serving a particular purpose.

Popular herbs that target critical areas of the body by protecting and promote healthy function include:
- Dandelion (stimulates the liver which enhances digestion and skin health)
- Milk Thistle (boosts antioxidant production and rebuilds liver cells)
- Turmeric (acts as an anti-inflammatory and stimulates the production of bile, which aids digestive function and eliminating waste)
- Schisandra (restores energy and cleanses the liver)
- Ashwagandha (restores liver metabolism and aids with stress levels)

Herbs can be taken in powder or capsule forms, or most commonly consumed as a tea.

Aside from making us feel relaxed, the physical stimulation that is created through massage therapy is highly useful in dissolving and removing toxin buildup in our tissue and excreting it from the skin. The main function that supports toxin release is the circulation of blood and lympth throughout the body. Massage therapists work specifically to target these areas during treatment, increasing the movement of the lymphatic and circulatory system, and ultimately putting the body in the best state to cleanse, relax and detoxify.




Well Balanced Afternoon Snacks