In-House Wellness

Blue Rosa is a modern and wholesome apothecary, accompanied by a purposefully curated selection of natural medicine and products to enrich the commitment to everyday wellness. Oils and herbs are a product of nature, and thus, a resource that needs fostering for future generations. We understand the ethical and sustainable nature of herbs and oils and it is this knowledge that governs us when choosing what, how, and when we deliver our products.

These incredible supply chains are entrenched with complexity; from the use of potent, nutrient-rich soils hailing from unique and remote countries in the world to the traditional processes of heating, drying, pressing, and washing. The very ability for us to be able to provide these herbs and oils is an opportunity for us to bring to you products entangled in character and history.

These ever-evolving and complex herbs and oils provide the building blocks to be complementary with the added means of incredible benefits. Our apothecary allows for hand-blended and thoughtful remedies that are good for you, just as nature intended them to be. 

To further expand on these natural remedies, the spa range illuminates the feeling of refreshment and purification. The Vitality in-house creams, hand and body washes are interwoven with the much loved and soulful scents that exhibit our persona of wellness. 

Our aim is simple, to return to a deliberate self-care routine.

Modern Apothecary

Our apothecary, provides members with access to walk-in herbal remedies, accompanied by a purposefully curated selection of natural medicine and products to enrich the commitment to everyday wellness. For others, we offer our complete range of products within our online apothecary.

Historically, an Apothecary referred to an establishment or place that manufactured and dispensed medicine. Unlike a modern-day pharmacy, where we purchase conventional script medication and products, an apothecary/dispensary is known for providing herbal remedies and complementary medicine to people based on their individual ailments.

Blue Rosa allows members within Vitality House to walk up to the dispensary and get a herbal remedy for everyday problems; headaches, digestion, sleep, skin, and much more. If members and clients are after a tailored herbal tincture or tonic they can make an appointment with our in-house Naturopath, including the arrangement of testing and supplementation based on individual needs.

Some of the herbs, ingredients, and mixtures you can find in the Blue Rosa dispensary include:

  • Dried herbs

  • Tea Blends made from organically farmed herbs

  • Herbal Tinctures

  • Carrier oils like Jojoba, Coconut, Vitamin E, and Grapeseed

  • Personalised creams created using a Vitamin E base

  • Essential Oils, Mists, and Massage Ointments

  • Greens powders, Mushrooms and Vitamins

We aim to display traditional therapies and remedies in a modern and comfortable manner, to encourage the everyday person to discover how natural products and medicine can benefit their life, even in simple ways.


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